VERY Important reasons we choose to homeschool


Guess what it's tax season.  Time to send the government their money.  Or get money back.  Who know's.  However Taxes is something so many children are not taught.  Including myself.

Now looking back at my childhood and education I realise now that some of my own life challenges are things that I was not taught.  I know so many adults that were not taught what I call "life skills".  These are so damn important, yet our children are not learning this valuable skills.

Money management

I'm not quite sure why so many people are never taught this.  I see parents continuing this unfortunate cycle.  Many parents don't share finances with their children.  Then they go onto be adults and are not aware of how the world works.  Honestly, I was one of them.  Guess who was given multiple credit cards at such a young age.  Taught the wrong thing.  As a young adult I was never shown how to properly manage my money, let alone how debt and interest really worked.  It was instant gratification and unfortunately many millennials have this exact same issue.  The world is so full of entitled individuals living WAY above their means and can I blame them.  Welcome to the world!  The cost of living is so extremely high.  We are raised in a society that feels happiness based on material items.  I unfortunately had to learn this the hard way but I can honestly say now that I can appreciate the things we do have and we don't purchase things today just because we "want" them.  While we homeschool our children we are also taking time to include them in family finances not hiding things from them.  Now before you think I'm teaching our 7 year old things that these little beings shouldn't be worried about as children, we are not.  We are going with the flow and explaining to them how credit cards, car payments, and bills work.  Many young children just think purchasing things on "cards" just allows us to buy stuff.  I don't want my children to ever fall into this bad habit.  Also kids expect things so teaching them how to manage their own money as well as what it takes to run a family is so very important.  


Such a forbidden subject.  Nobody really teaches their children.  Heck parents will help their children purchase a house however not teach them everything to know about taxes.  These are things I'm typing and can honestly say I know nothing about.  However homeschooling we will be learning as we go along and teaching our children so they don't end up in the world lost and unsure of taxes.  My son is only 7 yet he is beginning to understand taxes and how we pay them and why we do.


Such a touchy subject as well that many parents don't discuss with their children.  I give parents credit to not fight in front of their children or ever disagree.  Can I ask you this though?  Is this real life?  So now we have children never learning how to disagree, argue, or even fight for that matter.  Now when I say this I can honestly say my marriage is AMAZING! We don't argue so this isn't something we have to hide from kids.  However I can tell you that we do disagree sometimes and it's okay for our children to witness this.  I want my children to have respect for their partner.  I want them to learn "how to fight" so that they aren't out in this world expecting to either never fight or fighting dirty.  Marriage is about working together and having a partner in life.  However what if you can't appreciate that?  What if you were never taught this or shown this in your own home?  How can we expect children to just grow up and know how to be a good partner if they don't witness these skills from us as parents.

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