Day in the life of a Homeschooling Family


I figured I would share just one day as so many of you ask me how we structure our days.  We begin our day with a really great sleep.  No rushing.  My husband is off to work early in the morning so he can be home before dinner to spend time with the kids.  This means when they wake they roll into our room and I get a moment to just cherish my children.  We lay in bed and discuss what we will do today or if we had any dreams.  Then we head down for breakfast.

My kids eat.  They eat so much that I really feel so much time is spent in the kitchen.  They have breakfast at 7 ish so they are ready for second breakfast around 9:30.  I do feel it's because we eat rather clean so they eat very regularly.

My 6 year old son eats faster than my 1.5 year old daughter which actually comes in handy.  I get moms asking all the time if homeschooling is possible with younger kids around.  Yes, it is.....don't get me wrong it is challenging however achievable.  We implemented a crate system this year which I absolutely am in love with.  At the beginning of the year I rip up all his work books.  Yes you heard me right.  I place sheets week by week into folders.  This allows him to be more independent as well. Usually Monday we start our week off with a new math lesson with Math U See, so he watches the video and the rest of the week he can do his pages on his own.  This system works so well for us.  He is able to start on it even while his sister eats breakfast.

Now we work together on work sheets and activities.  Usually each day we do a few pages of math, a few pages of English.  Then we work on our other subjects such as health, social and science.  If we have experiments or more hands on stuff I organise that after breakfast.  While we spend about an hour and a half working my youngest daughter colours for about an hour.  Or she spends some time in the play room.  Some days are better than others.  Let's face it, she is only a year and a half and can be a bit distracting.  If we are struggling with her distracting us and my son unable to focus we take a break.  We take some time to play or turn up the music.  We spend the rest of the morning really just having fun.

Now in order to make my home run smooth we all pitch in.  Everyone has to help.  So my son will unload the dishwasher while my daughter (who is only a year and a half dusts or vacuums)  We like to keep a clean organised home.  I do love how my son will play and make a mess with his friends when they come over however once everyone is gone he takes some time to himself to get his room back in order.

Routine is so important!!!  As well I do believe that the more you get your children helping the better your family flows.  I see families struggling because the parents are constantly cleaning up after kids. We could never homeschool if this was the case in our home.

Our afternoons are filled with friends and field trips and activities.  Usually while my daughter naps my son will take that time to quietly read, do a craft, or finish up anything we didn't get around to in the morning for school work.  This allows me a little time to myself to catch up on work (edit as I am a photographer) as well blog about our crazy fun life.

We also plan meals and the kids help me.  I want them involved.  My son will chop and daughter will mix.  They learn these lovely skills young.  So when dad gets home from work he gets to play and catch up with the kids before dinner.

I meet or chat with mom's nearly each week with nowhere to turn asking questions of how to start homeschool or what it includes.  I remember making the decision to homeschool and not knowing where to begin.  Now that we are crazy homeschoolers my words to mom's and scheduling is you can do it!  It will fit into your life any way you make it work.  Homeschooling allows for a wonderful flexible schedule which is only one amazing part.

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