This World Needs Men to STEP UP!
10:41Now before you all think this blog is going to bash men. Please understand that is entirely not the case. I'm wanting to show my appreciation for men who really STEP UP and try to be the best they can.
I feel like each week I have someone contacting me, a lot of moms. They are feeling like they are losing control of their life. This makes me sad. Don't get me wrong every day isn't going to be amazing however when you struggle that should be a once in a blue moon issue not a continual challenge.
This blog is probably going to take a turn towards supporting mothers. Probably because I am a mother. However this stands for all men. Having made some major life mistakes with men when I was younger I now realise GREAT ONES do exist.
I appreciate so much the ones raised in not ideal situations but want to change that. I see men raised in abusive situations yet they want to stop that cycle. I see men raised with very little affection because they are boys, yet they realize that doesn't allow them to create healthy relationships.
I am blessed with an incredible husband. My children are so very lucky to have an amazing father. I have also learned over the years to expect that from him. Ladies it is ok to expect amazing. He works very hard to ensure I am able to stay at home raising and schooling our children. I talk to other stay at home moms that feel they can't ever complain or say anything because their spouse is allowing them to stay at home and providing for them. I love my husbands outlook on it. When I say to him "love thank you for working so hard allowing me to stay at home" his response is always "oh my goodness thank you for choosing this for our family as I could never do it!".
My husband has a son to help teach how to be an amazing man. Who will one day make an amazing husband and father. He has a daughter to set the bar very high so she doesn't just settle when it comes to a relationship.
There is men who will sit on the couch and play video games all day rather than being present with their family. This is downright ridiculous. I've heard of husbands and fathers like this and it makes me sad. If only they STEPPED UP! Shut that game off. Play with your children, take them for a walk, or even fold a load of laundry. Just so you are aware your son is witnessing you not being present and for that reason is going to either struggle in his future relationships or have to make a decision because of what he has seen to not be anything like that. Your daughter could really think about this. Men, picture your daughter cooking, cleaning, and raising children with a man just sitting there watching her. Is this what you want for her? Wouldn't you much rather she expect more.
Sometimes it is habit, sometimes it's how they were raised, and other times they just are crappy men. However regardless of what the excuse is there is always a time to change.
Ladies its also ok to communicate if you expect more. Don't think that you have to sit back and just accept that they aren't giving you what you need. Communication is very important. It's something learned so why not start today by trying it. Now before you start nagging....that's not the best approach. Start simple by saying "honey I was hoping tonight we could do the dishes together after the kids go to bed and talk about us." First off don't be disapointed if you don't get the reaction you are hoping for but don't give up.
So this is just a reminder to STEP UP! Your relationships will improve. Your children will see that. The more people step up the better this world will be. Children will be raised better. Parents will be happier. It's a lovely circle.