

Homeschool sterotypes are still existing.  This boggles my mind however I do understand it. I knew from the moment I had my son I intended to homeschool.  This isn’t always the case for everyone.  I felt for me, I wanted to nurture his character and I actually liked watching him grow.  For some however they choose homeschooling because the traditional school system isn’t working, or it allows them to school while travelling, or because they decide as a family they can make it work.
I get contacted all the time of fearful moms looking for someone to help them.  To answer the crazy questions they have surrounding homeschooling.  I however am only one mama so have my opinions but that is all they are.  I adore our choice to homeschool however I would never push it on everyone.  It’s not for everyone.  I just wish more than anything people would consider it even when they think it’s not possible.
I have a girlfriend who was telling me about her little guy who is in public school and reminds her of my son.  Sweet, kind, and soft.  He is having issues with mean kids and being attracted to them.  He is also being forced to sit calmly for 6 hours and if he can’t he gets sent home with a sad face in his agenda.  He gets a sad face for things like twirling his hair.  Is this not ridiculous?  They of course want to have him tested for ADHD.  As she was telling me this I of course got emotional.  He doesn’t have ADHD….he’s a boy…. could you imagine being put in a box for 6 hours and told to follow along like a sheep.  This saddens me.
So what did I do?  I invited her to my Christmas party.  They are new to town and I said it would be a great way for their little guy to meet kids who are nice.  They arrived and my 6 year old was very excited to meet him.  He immediately ran in and found all the kids playing and having fun.  I don’t remember exactly how the conversation began but I said to her “see this is why you should homeschool” haha. Her husband laughed and said “Oh my goodness why… you homeschool??” hahaha….this is where I was thrilled.  She hadn’t told him.  So my response was "actually absolutely I do."  Actually “ALL” these kids are homeschooled.  He was shocked.  I loved how he came into the situation without any preconceived ideas of what we would all be like.  In a room with 25 people we all seemed normal! All the kids were social. “SHOCKER” and us parents were enjoying a glass of wine “SHOCKER” and not religious.
So many people feel that homeschooling makes for anti social odd kids.  This is so not the case.  Nobody knows we homeschool unless they see us out shopping during regular school hours and they they question my son.  “Why are you not in school?” This used to enrage me however now I just laugh and my son who is only 6 takes care of it.  His response is actually “ I did my school this morning from home as we homeschool so now we get to do lot’s of other stuff.”
We do regular weekly field trips and classes.  We get out with other kids at least a couple times a week.  We homeschool for so many reasons.  Here is a list of just a few.

  • We don’t rush.  We wake up when we want.  We don’t have insane mornings of trying to get ready for school and work and pack lunches.  It’s really quite calm.  Now having said that we are always up before 7 am, so don’t think we sleep all day.  It’s just nice to calmly come down have a cup of coffee let the kids play while I make breakfast and start our day a little slower.
  • We LOVE family time.  I couldn’t even imagine only seeing my kids for a couple hours each evening filled with homework, dinner, bath, book and bed.  
  • I want to nuture their character.  My son is incredible.  Soft, sweet, and caring and I don’t want him to lose that.  I don’t want him choosing the wrong friends or experiencing peer pressure.  Now don’t take that as I want him sheltered, I just want him to experience things at a realistic age that he can cope with it.  Kids grow up too fast and are put into situations they really shouldn’t be at such a young age.
  • I don’t want someone telling me my child can’t focus or needs medication.  He is only 6 and in grade 2 however NO he can’t sit and do school for 5 hours a day without breaks.  When I see him get frustrated or impatient we change it up.  I do believe boys need time outside even if just to run and get some energy out.

Now I don’t know if I could homeschool without such an incredible support system.  My husband initially questioned it.  Now he’s extremely proud our children are homeschooled.  I couldn’t do it without him however, because I am able to be at home with the kids.  I am also a photographer which allows me a flexible schedule.  So many mother’s feel it’s not even an option unless they are at home however I don’t believe this is true.  There is options.  You can work part time.  You can connect with other homeschool mom’s who might want to trade days.  There is co-ops and even nannies part time.  There are options!
My mommy tribe of homeschool mom’s is INCREDIBLE.  These women I am so lucky to have been blessed with.  They parent similar so we are able to enjoy each other so much.  When I have a frustrating day with school, and yes they do happen…..I have a list of mom’s I can phone for ideas or even just to vent.  It’s even great our husbands get along so well that we can all do activities as families.  No we are not a religious cult.  We are just your average families wanting the best for our kids.
So before you judge someone for choosing homeschooling, think for a moment they probably aren't judging you for putting your child into school.  They are just a parent trying to educate their children.

Stay Kind.

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