I see mom's every day struggling to be the best mom they can possibly be, including myself. Recently I have witnessed some awful instances of mothers not being their best. This is quite shocking to me because I have huge mom guilt if I don't do enough crafting or if I allow my children to play on the iPad. Then there is a side of the real world that I actually never really put a lot of thought into.
There is mom's who don't care. There is women on the street having babies on drugs and they don't think anything of it. How can this be? How can this even be a reality. These babies are struggling from the moment they enter the world. Being addicted to drugs, struggling with major health issues, and even just being alone. There are children being abused, neglected, and not loved. Thankfully there is a lot of mother's in the world willing to step up.
Mom guilt is such a real thing. Especially in this day and age of the lovely world of social media. Many of us put so much pressure on ourselves, to be the best. I know this first hand. My expectations of myself are huge. I want my kids to be healthy, happy, and educated. I definitely consider myself a controlling mama. One who wants to protect her children from many things in this world. Am I perfect? NO! but do I try YES!
My family pointed out the other day that they see how hard I try as a mother and am immersed in my children. They truly are my life. I do sometimes notice that I have definitely lost a lot of "me" however I wouldn't have it any other way. For me I have made this choice. I made the choice to have 3 beautiful children. I made the choice to be at home with them. I made the choice to homeschool them. I want the absolute best for them.
So when the time comes one day when they are older I will have all the time in the world for "me". So mom bun and leggings it is. Finding time to simply get my hair done now is a lot more of a challenge. Don't get me wrong my husband is incredible and would drop everything to give me as much "me" time as I needed. However let's face it, there is only so many hours in a day. The last thing I can see myself doing is taking time in the evening for myself when I'm so very exhausted.
I always point out to mom's who are overwhelmed and struggling to start with something simple. I have to take reminders from my husband. Sometimes when we are having a difficult day getting out the door I just have to realize that's ok. Slow down. Or when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes we just have to reset it and have a bubble bath. On days when homeschooling is a struggle (and trust me we do have those) we just need to put it away. We need to go outside for a walk or just have time to play.
I am blessed with 3 healthy children. No issues. No behaviour issues. I actually had another mom at one of my sons activities ask me how I do it. "How the heck do you do 3 and homeschool and still smile". I only have one and I am overwhelmed. My response " I don't even know what you are going through because my kids are all healthy, so I give you credit" She actually offered to pay me to meal plan and grocery shop for her as we were discussing how I felt the importance of nutrition so important to my children health and happiness. Like I have the time for this service. So I just wrote her a list of some simple ideas to try. That is all I have to give.
There is no right or wrong way to do things all we can do as mother's is try to be our absolute best.
So today. Give yourself a pat on the back. Sometimes we just need to hear we are doing okay.
Also if you see another mom out there doing a great job be sure to compliment her because I bet she is also struggling with